Raju (Master Dhruv), a poor boy from a humble family, dreams of flying in an airplane at least once in his life. His father Veerayya (Samuthirakani), a differently-abled person, raises Raju without letting him feel the absence of his mother. Veerayya, who runs a small business, encourages his son's dream of flying, assuring him that education will make it possible. Veerayya later discovers his son has a life-threatening illness and begins saving every penny to fulfill his son's final wish. Does Veerayya manage to fulfill his son's last wish? The story unravels this.
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Vimanam Movie Review: An Emotional Journey of Dreams and Sacrifice
Renowned actor and director Samudrakhani takes on a special role in the film “Vimanam.” The movie has already garnered attention through its more
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as VeerayyaMaster Dhruvanas Raju
Meera Jasmine
as ShwetaAnasuya Bharadwaj
as SumathiRahul Ramakrishna
as KotiDhanraj
as DanielRajendran
Siva Prasad YanalaDirector
Zee studiosProducer
Marthand K. Venkatesh
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